

DDT  is a colorless, crystalline, tasteless and almost odorless organochlorideknown for its insecticidal properties. DDT has been formulated in almost every conceivable form, including solutions inxylene or petroleum distillatesemulsifiable concentrates, water-wettable powders, granules, aerosolssmoke candlesand charges for vaporizers and lotions.[2]

Elbow drop

An elbow drop is a move in which a wrestler jumps or falls down on an opponent driving his or her elbow into anywhere on the opponent's body.[1] A common elbow drop sees a wrestler raise one elbow before falling to one side and striking it across an opponent. Another common elbow drop is the pointed elbow drop that sees a wrestler raise both elbows up and drop directly forward dropping one, or both elbows onto the opponent.

German Suplex

Technically known as a belly-to-back waist lock suplex or a back arch throw, the wrestler stands behind the opponent, grabs them around their waist, lifts them up, and falls backwards while bridging his back and legs, slamming the opponent down to the mat shoulder and upper back first. The wrestler keeps the waistlock and continues bridging with their back and legs, pinning the opponent's shoulders down against the mat. The regular pinning variation can be referred to as the German suplex pin. The wrestler can also release the opponent in mid arch, which is referred to as a release German suplex. Sometimes, rather than bridging for a pin, the wrestler may roll himself into another position to perform the move again, often referred to as multiple or rolling German suplexes


suplex is an offensive move used in both professional and sport wrestling. A suplex is a throw that involves lifting the opponent and bridging or rolling to slam the opponent on their back. Though there are many variations, the term suplex (without qualifiers) can also refer specifically to the vertical suplex.

